Tilted implants are a crucial component of the All-on-4 treatment concept for dental implants. This technique involves placing four implants in the anterior part of completely edentulous jaws, with two straight anterior implants and two posterior implants tilted up to 45° to avoid anatomical structures. Tilted implants allow for longer implants, improved prosthetic support with shorter cantilever arms, better inter-implant distance, and enhanced anchorage in the bone.
As any other surgical intervention, dental implants come with risks too. In this post I will tell you about the biggest risk you surely want to avoid at any cost. You are now a few minutes away of gaining the skill to identify and avoid this risk for you.
You are probably bombarded with Facebook ads of implant clinics. You may even have several offers in your inbox and are considering whether Turkey is better than Bulgaria, why the prices are so different and so on.…
Today dental implants are becoming the preferred way to treat missing teeth. Here is everything you need to know about dental implants.